Why cheat bots and likes to your account?

Imagine that you are looking for showroom to buy dresses in Instagram, and then your eyes catch 2 accounts.

Image 51

The first one has 321 followers, which is very small. A little but of likes and almost no comments.

And the second account has almost 47 thousand followers, hundreds of likes and dozens of comments and reviews of satisfied customers.

The question arises, which of these two accounts is more attractive and which is more credible?

All right, of course the second one. People buy where they had already bought.

Subconsciously, users, seeing that the account has a lot of activity, many likes, many followers, a lot of reviews and many comments are beginning to trust this company.

  • Before you start promoting, we recommend you to cheat "bots" in the account. So it will look more attractive and cause more confidence. These bots will not buy anything, but ordinary users of Instagram will not be able to understand after you boost, you have bots in your account or not. But for sure you will have a lot of subscribers.
  • Increase likes, a lot of likes for all posts in your profile. Do not let to have 10 photos with 900 likes, and 10 others with 40 likes. Counting the desired number of likes by the formula 1000 subscribers - 200 likes on each photo.
  • Order real reviews for photos, there are lots of services where real people write to you any comments on your requirements and criteria.

If you fulfill all the above points, then by the beginning of the normal promotion on the target audience you will be ready, fully filling the account, and all new subscribers that will come to you in the account, will think that your account exists for a long time and you have hundreds of clients.

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