What time of day is the best for visiting Instagram?

Analytics of the SumAll app researched the best time to send messages to seven different social networks, including Instagram.

Their findings for Instagram:

From 17:00 to 18:00 on weekdays and from 17:00 to 20:00 on Mondays.

Here's their fun infographic.

Information about Instagram you will find in the middle:

Image 50

The mobile nature of Instagram creates additional timelines for publications, in contrast to social networks Facebook or Twitter, which can be accessed during the day from your work computer (Instagram access is also possible through the computer, but as a rule, users prefer login there from mobile devices).

"Mobility" of Instagram gets a "best time for posting" a bit more flat, since the application is available at any time (we aways carry a mobile device with us in our pocket or purse).

SumAll also mentions the burrito principle, a concept introduced by Stay blogger by the name of Darian Rodriguez Heyman. The principle is based on the fact that you need to catch people during a pause or break, when they eat a burrito, for example, and, accordingly, they have free time to check social media, including Instagram.

To "catch" users, your posts should be timed to the moments when they have free time.

It is also possible to post late at night, when Instagram comes the calm. During this period, your message becomes more visible.

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